Friday, June 24, 2011

Steve Crocker was elected Chairman of ICANN

Steve Crocker was elected Chairman of ICANN 

News June 24, Dr. Steve Crocker in Friday's board meeting was unanimously elected as Chairman of the ICANN Board, the meeting according to the traditional week. 

Bruce Tonkin was unanimously elected Vice Chairman, and Chriss Disspain Peter Dengate Thrush was elected to replace the Australian domain name policy and regulatory agencies (auDA)'s CEO. As Peter Dengate Thrush said, Disspain continued at the meeting of the "silver-haired lawyer contrary." 

The same was also elected to the Board of Directors Canadian Bill Graham. 

Crocker set up to join the Internet since the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was a graduate student at UCLA. He is the ARPANET protocol development team, a member of this agreement laid the basis for today's Internet. He organized the Network Working Group of the modern Internet Engineering Task Force's predecessor, began to seek their views (RFC) note series designed to make the agreement be recorded and shared. Because they work, Crocker was awarded the 2002 IEEE Internet Award. In addition, Crocker also has a number of Lima, St. Martin's School of the University of an honorary doctorate. 

Crocker's experience includes DARPA, USC / ISI, the aerospace company's Management, Trusted Information Systems vice president, CyberCash and Longitude Systems company co-founder, his previous public service includes a safe area as the first responsible human services on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Architecture Board, IETF support activities Regulatory Commission (IAOC), the Internet Society of Washington, DC Studio Theatre Council and the Board of Directors service. 

Crocker at the University of California at Los Angeles received a Ph.D. degree in mathematics and computer science, he studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence. Since 2002 he ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) has been set up as President, he served as SSAC's non-voting liaison to serve until the Board of ICANN Nominating Committee selected.