Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sedo's GreatDomains auction of the unofficial results

Sedo's GreatDomains auction of the unofficial results 
June 26 news Sedo's GreatDomains auction ended yesterday. The auction domain domain name in nearly 75% of the bids received at auction. Some noteworthy sell domain names are as follows: $ 10,512 11,000 EUR 8,150 EUR $ 10,099 $ 5,600 $ 5,000 $ 4,601 $ 4,452 8,800 GBP $ 3,600 $ 4,400 $ 10,000 5,699 EUR $ 2,272 $ 5,555 ND.TV $ 1,850 $ 1,500 $ 1,499 $ 1,499 $ 1,383 $ 1,051 $ 1,150 $ 1,001 $ 999 $ 999 770 GBP 7 50 EUR $ 636