Friday, June 24, 2011

Internet domain names and brand strategy

Internet domain names and brand strategy
News June 16, Sen Li, senior domain name investors and businesses on the Internet Domain Name brand strategy for all of us to make the appropriate guidance.
Guidance: the role of the domain name business firms:
A: facade engineering you find each other to give you business cards, printed above is their business firm (Company Name) domain, this level of management of corporate CEOs is certainly good, know how to information management, can be trusted.
Two: if the firm belongs to the popular business firms (many companies nationwide with the same name), they can use this domain name, it would prove the strength of good, forward-thinking because they can cooperate.
Three: the domain name as a trade name car. Is also a car and drove out of the face is not the case, such as BMW and a few million of brand-name vehicles.
Business with the companies engaged in e-commerce and domain name firm can not read other people's creative domain name (only the self can understand the meaning) than both the difference, as long as people understand at a glance to understand, a lot of inconvenience to our customers say so, but the creative domain name lost is the true order.
Now many companies that do not effect the site. This problem lies in the domain, especially now that sites are everywhere, if you are using their own creative domain name, to think of others and find this site, in fact, than the needle in the haystack is immune, system and content of your site do best useless, no one can visit the website how effective it? unless you use thousands of times higher than the value of the domain name to the promotion of funds to achieve the desired effect, the network industry as "the burn. COM", the reality is "Inspection of the pound-foolish." If the firm domain belongs to you, the customer is very simple to remember, but also bring long-term brand benefit.
Network applications in recent years has been rapid development in China, the number of Internet users ranks second in the world. However, the network domain name and how companies combine the corporate brand?
We all know that a successful brand value is huge, endless wealth of the enterprise. Brand is a culture, is invisible but can feel and true. We also know that to build a well-known brand is very difficult and requires a lot of advertising costs, require high-quality marketing personnel.
How many brand name firms can save advertising costs? Can bring many economic benefits and brand benefits? Practice had all clear. Unfortunately, some companies are willing to in other media of large sums of money on large and short-term benefits of advertising at the expense of other advertising costs with only a few one-tenth, or even a mere one per cent of the cost to seek to bring long-term benefits of the brand name firm, shows that the concept is still very backward.
International reputation for its top-level domain and forms the most vulnerable users are familiar with and remember, in this sense, the brand should be the best corporate network carrier. In the Internet to reflect the brand and allow domestic consumers to accept the natural domain, the easiest and best is the company's own firm (name) name or trademarks (the actual situation, in English and pinyin).
China's accession to the WTO, enterprises are in the development of brand strategy, to seize the commanding heights of the market, but many companies can not be corporate brands, trade names (the name) but unfortunately the same network brand, the customer to understand your company, your first thought of the firm or brand, type the corresponding site on the Internet, if there is not your company website, brand strategy will be to complete a great impact on the current situation of most of these occurred in the international top-level domain. COM on.
Domain name is the connection link between business and the Internet, it is like a trade name, trademark role as an important recognition is accessible corporate website visitors to "key", there is a corporate logo on the network, responsible for marking the site and site-oriented enterprise dual role. Domain name for e-commerce enterprises play an important role, a good domain name will greatly increase visibility on the Internet. Therefore, how to select a good domain name business is very important.
Enterprises in the selected domain, the first to a basic principle.
Domain names have a certain meaning and significance, with a certain meaning and connotation of the word or phrase as a domain name, not only good memories, but also help achieve the corporate marketing objectives. For example, business names, product names, trade names, etc. are a good choice, this will enable the company's network marketing objectives and brand strategy to reach agreement.
Domain name selection techniques
1. As with the corporate name of the pinyin name: This is the domain name for the company selected a better way, in fact most of the domestic enterprises are selected so that the domain name. For example: Haier Group This domain name will help improve online brand awareness, even if the enterprise does not make any publicity, the site's domain name can easily be thought of.
2. With the corporate name of the corresponding English name as a domain name: This is the domain of many domestic companies choose a way, this domain particularly suited to computer, networking and communications related to some of the industry. For example: China Telecom, China Mobile and so on.
There are many other methods of selection, such as short, abbreviated, combined with the English (and English phrases with phonetic), etc., will adversely affect the brand, this is not recommended.
Domestic and foreign companies the same name but different types of the same name and trademark are more common for companies to use the domain name suffixes, including in China has only four top-level domain, that is. Com. Biz (not the rise of China) and. Cn . There are many others, is generally not suitable for general business use. Truly reflect the actual value of the brand only. Com one, for domestic use as well. Cn and. two. If Jiwei, the best domain name is, but only one of the domain name, how to do business the same name? Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing JW and so on. Can not only add geographical information:,,,, etc., but how incompetent can not be compared with, if you have several streets where the three were called Zhang One of the right to know how to protect their names, first to register "Joe Smith", with only a name connotes only the use of the premise at the other connotes II connotes connotes the east, west, Joe Smith had. So to protect trade names, trademarks, domain names on the corporate brand strategy.
Domain name resources are a scarce resource, the current lack of many domestic enterprises on the Internet to protect their brand awareness, sell themselves are long gone, the creation and protection of online brands and the urgency of the problem should lead to social and corporate attention. Powerful enterprises, should be comprehensive, multi-extension protection. COM. NET. COM.CN. CN and so to register with. COM primary domain name promotion, point to other protective domain name suffixes to the same site. Some companies do not think the. COM domain names, as long as any other to engage in a spend the same domain name suffix, which is not desirable, the implementation of brand strategy will result in larger damage, the reason is very simple, you promote the greater the intensity , with the same name. COM business owners generate greater interest, on the contrary, the less possibility of recovery. If competitors access, you can not use the money to calculate the losses, the end result is someone else to do the wedding dress. Early completion of the brand strategy, healthy expansion of business, will have a significant effect.