Friday, June 24, 2011

Embrace ". XX" Time domain

Embrace ". XX" Time domain
ICANN through a substantial increase in international generic top-level domain name resolution, ". Com" domain name a long period of monopoly situation or will be broken.
June 20, ICANN through a substantial increase in international generic top-level domain name resolution, ". Com" domain name a long period of monopoly situation or will be broken. This means that Chinese Internet users in the address bar enter the Chinese Internet is no longer a dream. The use of the new top-level domain, the popularity of the Internet in China as well as national information technology strategy to promote far-reaching significance. Companies enjoy the new top-level domain to bring innovation and convenienc
e, but also will face the challenge of security and cost.
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". Com" domain name Yiqijuechen situation or not, when Internet users enter the domain name in the address bar might be. "Mobile phone". "Mobile". "Any word" era is coming.
After six years of negotiations, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) this year adopted a resolution on June 20, will significantly increase the international generic top level domains, the new top-level domain not only for industry, according to different themes, race, geographic location , etc. and the language will also cover Arabic, Chinese and so on. From January 12 next year began 90 days, ICANN will accept applications for new top-level domain, a cost of $ 185,000.
This is the ". Com" domain name launch 26 years, the largest field of domain names in a move. Experts point out that, for the enterprise, the new top-level domain for the Internet as important as "the sand so that each piece has its own IP address" in IPv6.There are about 120 public institutions showed interest in the new domain, these institutions are mainly concentrated in foreign countries, including IBM, Nokia, Canon, Hitachi, Facebook, eBay and so on. Lukewarm response to domestic enterprises, currently only open a business, said the Patriots will actively apply.
The use of the new top-level domain, long-term development of the Internet in China will have a strategic significance. If 2009. "China" domain name in English has long been torn submitted monopoly of a small hole, then use the new top-level domain will allow Chinese Internet with millions of soldiers appear on the network, from the China Internet have their own domain name arena, China's "net" institutions will be able to enjoy the Internet has been deployed effectively to enhance the field of Internet country in the world the right to speak.
The use of the new top-level domain will boost China's information process. Chinese Internet convenience to our more than 400 million Internet users applauded, because it makes the complexity of the English website in a wait state of "quasi-users" to join the ranks of the network, information network and the tentacles stretch even further so.More importantly, this simple operation can actually network technology to benefit children and farmers and other groups of Internet users do not know English, the popularity of the Internet and bridging the digital divide is of tremendous significance.And, as the mobile Internet, networking and more networking technology, the new top-level domain for every business, every consumer, every application and even each individual product labels affixed to enhance their interoperability , the "smart city" to further push forward the building.
Mainstream domain name ". Com" resource constraints, so the traditional domain of development into a bottleneck, a new top-level domain can ease the tension of this demand, as more enterprises and the Internet "close contact" opportunities. For China's enterprises, Chinese domain names will also be their brand marketing on the Internet an important carrier. Domestic enterprises do not have brains to their own Web site to an English name, do not worry because the customer will remember the site in English and missed opportunities. In ". Com" domain resources will run out today, the domestic enterprises do not have to spend millions of U.S. dollars to buy their own proper domain name. For those transnational business, with extensive product lines, need to develop the brand strategy and international business, the new top-level domain is the heart of their appeal, these names will be beneficial to its localization strategy to promote and strengthen the network marketing, narrow the gap between multinationals and local distance between the consumer.
In addition, the new top-level domain will also reduce network investment risk, improve network security. In the traditional domain names, speculation and deception of the potential wave spreading, opportunists to be cheap to buy the new domain and then resell for profit are common occurrences, and "false" website have become a hotbed of online fraud. Experts point out that the new top-level domain will greatly curb the rampant phenomenon of phishing sites to improve network security and credibility. Meanwhile, the new top-level domain applications have more stringent evaluation criteria, 18.5 million U.S. dollars in fee increases barriers to entry, the applicant first of all if reputable, established companies, organizations or public bodies; personal or unique to the individual business application will be shut out, speculation in domain names suppressed behavior; to accept every aspect of the question from the public, the applicant in the technical personnel, intellectual property protection, business model and so must be open, as long as there is a link do not pass, you must provide third-party report describes the consultation, so that "ulterior motives" of the applicants not to take advantage of the machine; from the application is accepted to be officially opened at least 10 months, the corresponding increase in opportunity costs for network security discourage vandals.
Gorgeous new top-level domain is about to debut, the creativity they bring, but also will change the way the Internet to achieve some applications, such as search, online advertising. We enjoy this series of innovation and change at the same time, but also to seize this opportunity to improve the quality and quantity of development of the Internet, thereby enhancing the overall national level of information.
Naruto fight
Prickly Rose
Can bring new opportunities for top-level domain so eager to numerous agencies, but is always accompanied by challenges and opportunities, the new top-level domain like a rose with thorns - creativity, endless opportunities for the introduction of greedy saliva, but the safety, cost challenge known as people can not start.
"New generic top-level domain proposal is approved, will likely rewrite the deeper pattern of the current global Internet applications on the global development of the Internet will have a significant impact." Xiangdong China Wan, CEO, said in a personal micro-Bo, "while , Chinese brands will face a new round of domain name protection test. "diversity of the new top-level domain so that the network is not easy to control and increase the enterprise's network security risks. In addition, enterprises in order to protect brand reputation, user security, and corporate privacy, but also had to invest additional resources related to domain name registration to their brand, so the cost needs to spend more. International Trademark Association's Executive Director 艾伦德鲁森 wrote that the Internet is not always a lack of bad elements to carry out illegal activities, and has nearly 300 in the current top-level domain system, brand owners must be registered on the Internet, monitoring and protect their trademarks. Large number of new gTLDs will increase the launch of the complexity and cost, for the image you want to protect their networks, maintain brand consistency, and enhance the user experience of online organizations, which will bring them greater security challenges.
In addition, dishonest gain malicious cybersquatting phenomenon not uncommon on the Internet, cybersquatting is still all kinds of institutions and enterprises are facing a common problem. We have had an accident site to access the experience of misspelled words, cybersquatters will use this error to drive traffic to their Web site.The United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) found that cybersquatting cases last year rose 28 percent, not including a large number of unreported incidents, therefore, the actual number of cybersquatting WIPO much higher than the available data. Cybersquatters through the registration and sale of misleading domain names to profit-making, thereby undermining efforts to build brand reputation. Once misleading, users may be subject to a variety of injuries, including the purchase of counterfeit goods being cheated, or download malicious software, resulting in personal information stolen, and even computer virus infection.This behavior will lead to decline in corporate earnings, brand value is destroyed, and consumers are at risk. It is anticipated that the new top-level domain use, the domain name war intensified competition for resources.
Cost is also a small institution for the new top-level domain name can not shirk. $ 185,000 of the barriers to entry and $ 25,000 per year annual fee for large companies like drop in the bucket, does this mean that small businesses and new top-level domain miss this? There are domestic small and medium enterprises, said, and easily apply for a new top-level domain than hundreds of million of investment, not as a one-time spend more than ten million dollars for an existing domain name. New top-level domain and the domain of enterprise funds is not only caused great waste of resources and, more importantly, the new top-level domain will not be "impractical"?What can bring much return on investment? Now it seems not at all clear. (I even)
The third week of June, the world's six top-level domains latest (as of 2011-6-19)
As of June 19, 2011, the global market in the six top-level domain,. COM domain names most popular,. NET domain name, followed by,. ORG and. INFO domain names. The most competitive, and. BIZ and. US domain names The situation is not optimistic. Overall, the world's top domain name market more stable, competition is intensifying. Next year the use of new top-level domain, will lead to major changes in market structure, we'll see.